Wat zijn de Scheme fees?

Scheme fees zijn die kosten die een Payment Scheme in rekening brengt. De interchange fee is de vergoeding voor de Issuer. Gemakshalve wordt het totaal van interchange fee en scheme fee DE INTERCHANGE genoemd. Dit zorgt voor verwarring, zeker nu met de nieuwe interchange++ methodiek vanaf 1 januari 2015.
Voor de volledigheid De commissie MSC, Merchant Service Charge die een Merchant betaalt bestaat uit:

  • Interchange fee
  • Scheme fees
  • Risico- en winstopslag door de acquirer (Mark up)
De scheme fees van MasterCard, Visa en Discover staan hieronder vermeld.

MasterCard Fees

MasterCard Assessment
Charged by MasterCard on all settled sales transactions

Network Access and Brand Usage (NABU)
Charged by MasterCard on domestic authorizations and refunds when the card used by the customer is issued within the U.S. (all U.S. domestic issued cards); the NABU does not apply to reversals, chargebacks, or manual cash advances

MC AVS Auth Access (Card Present)
Charged by MasterCard when you use the address verification service to validate a cardholder’s address where the card is present at the time of purchase and swiped through the terminal

MC AVS Auth Access (Card Not Present)
Charged by MasterCard when you use the address verification service to validate a cardholder’s address where the card is not present at the time of purchase or the card number is keyed into the terminal

MC Account Status
Charged by MasterCard when you initiate a request to validate the cardholder account status, address verification (AVS), card validation code 2 (CVC 2), or any combination thereof

MC Processing Integrity
Charged by MasterCard when an authorization is not utilized for a transaction in a timely manner or is not reversed based on MasterCard standards; if an authorization will not be used for a transaction, card present merchants must complete an authorization reversal within 24 hours; card not present merchants must complete a reversal within 72 hours

MC Cross-Border Assessment
Charged by MasterCard on any transaction on a MasterCard branded credit or debit card in which the cardholder country code differs from the country code of the merchant

Visa Fees

Visa Assessment
Charged by Visa on all settled sales transactions

Visa Network Acquirer Processing Fee (NAPF)
Charged by Visa on all U.S. acquired authorizations on all Visa branded cards; the fee applies to all authorizations even if it is not used for a subsequent transaction

Visa Misuse of Authorization
Charged by Visa when an authorization is not utilized in a timely manner or is not reversed based on Visa standards; if an authorization will not be used for a transaction, card present merchants must complete an authorization reversal within 24 hours; card not present merchants must complete a reversal within 72 hours

Visa Zero Floor Limit
Charged by Visa when a clearing record cannot be matched to an approved or partially approved authorization

Visa Transaction Integrity
Charged by Visa on all U.S. domestic Visa signature debit card transactions or Visa prepaid card transactions that do not meet the qualification criteria of the Custom Payment Service program

Visa Zero $ Account Verification
Charged by Visa when you initiate a request to validate the cardholder’s account status

Visa Partial Auth Non-Participation
Charged by Visa to Petroleum Automated Fuel Dispenser merchants (MCC 5542) that do not support partial authorization

Visa Inter-regional Acquiring Fee (IAF)
A Visa U.S. fee that applies to all U.S. acquired purchase transactions on non-U.S. issued cards

Visa International Service Assessment
An inter-regional fee applied to transactions that occur with a card issued outside the merchant’s acquiring region

Visa Fixed Acquirer Network Fee (FANF)
The FANF is a variable fee, calculated based on acceptance method (i.e., card present or card not present), merchant category code (MCC), taxpayer ID, and number of locations or sales volume

Discover Fees

Discover Assessment
Charged by Discover on all settled sales transactions

Discover Data Usage
Charged by Discover on all Discover sales transactions

Discover International Service Fee (ISF)
Charged by Discover on Discover, JCB, or China Union Pay U.S. transactions for which the card issuer is located in a country other than the U.S.

Discover International Processing Fee (IPF)
Charged by Discover on Discover, JCB, or China Union Pay transactions for which the card issuer is located in a different country than the merchant

Heights Training creditcards Training credit cards

Heights verzorgt een training die op alle aspecten van de acceptatie van creditcards ingaat. Met deze training krijgt u naast de theorie hoofdzakelijk praktische, direct toepasbare kennis overgedragen. U bent na deze training in staat om de creditcards op een veilige en verantwoorde manier in te zetten in uw bedrijf om uw conversie te verhogen en de kosten te verlagen. Meer informatie over de training creditcards.